Oguz Karakus Chief Inspector, General Directorate of Security
  • Death Date 17/05/2018
  • Place of Death Ankara
  • Cause of Death Cancer,sadness
  • Date of Burial 18.05.2018, Ankara
  • Date of Detention 01.01.2015
  • Place of Detention Ankara
  • Date of Detention 12.03.2025
  • Court-Judge who arrested Anakara High Criminal Court
  • Period of Detantion 1 year


Dr. Oguz Karakus was unlawfully pensioned off in April 2015 by the General Directorate of Security. He was arrested 3 months before 15 July and released a year later. His rights were taken away by decree-law. When the arrest warrant was issued against him again, this time he did not surrender, but because of the sadness he experienced, he contracted cancer. Unable to receive treatment, Karakus’ condition worsened and he passed away on May 17, 2018.
Dr. Oguz Karakus, 55 years old, married with children, was also a Chemical Engineer and had done important work on the modernization and international accreditation of Police Criminal Laboratories.
Dr. Oguz Karakus was first pensioned off in April 2015 with an unlawful decree while working as Chief Inspector in the Board of Inspectors, After retirement, he was detained in Ankara on March 31, 2016. He was imprisoned in Izmir for a year due to slander and defamation, and then he was released.
In this process, all his retirement rights and gains were taken away with another decree-law. After a while, a warrant was issued for his recapture. He did not surrender to the regime officials, but because of the sadness he experienced, he contracted cancer. He could not even go to the hospital to avoid being caught by the oppressors, he tried to continue his treatment on home terms. Because if he had been treated in the hospital, the regime judges, who arrested the innocent people regardless of whether they are sick or old, would have arrested him too, even though he had cancer, and he would not have been able to receive treatment. Karakuş, who could not receive proper treatment, deteriorated in health and passed away on May 17, 2018. The funeral of Police Chief Karakus, who is 55 years old, married with children, was buried in Ankara Karsıyaka Cemetery.
Karakus was born in Malatya in 1963. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Istanbul, and entered Yıldız University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering in 1981. He graduated in March 1986. After graduating from the Police Academy special class in the 1988-1989 academic year, he started his police career as Assistant Commissioner at the General Directorate of Security, Supply and Maintenance Department.
He worked in Elazıg Police School Directorate, Supply and Maintenance Department, Assistant General Manager’s Private Secretary, Public Security Department SASEM Branch Directorate, KPL Department Headquarters KATEM Branch Office and Police Academy Presidency Criminal Investigation Center Directorate and Department Head respectively. During this period, Karakus completed the Physics Studies and Criminalistics Master’s Program at Ankara University Forensic Medicine Institute in 2006 and the Criminalistics doctorate program of the same institute in 2010 and received the title of Doctor.
Working as an Instructor at the Police Academy, Karakus taught crime scene investigation and forensic science courses at the undergraduate level, and Introduction to Forensic Sciences and Identification Methods and Fingerprinting courses at the graduate level.
Dr. Oguz Karakus made great contributions to the advancement of forensic medicine science in Turkey with his articles published on poroscopy, twin fingerprinting, forensic palynology, forensic textile and cross-examination, as well as Crime Scene Security and Crime Scene Protection, Drugs (Abused) Substances, Criminalistics and Private Security Basic Education Textbooks. He worked as the director of the Crime Research and Investigation Training Center (SASEM) for a long time. He served as the vice president of the Police Maintenance and Assistance Fund (POLSAN) for a while, and during this period he carried out many services, especially gaining of AOÇ water.
For about two years, he was the head of the Department of Criminal Police Laboratories (KPL). During this time, he had invaluable services such as the modernization of laboratories and international accreditation.
He founded the World Association of Police Laboratories. At the first meeting, he was unanimously elected as president. But unfortunately, those who came after did not appreciate the value of this achievement and could not continue the work.

Oğuz Karakuş


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