Kahraman Sezer Chief of police , General Directorate of Security
  • Death Date 31/01/2021
  • Place of Death Iskenderun T type Prison
  • Cause of Death Imprisoned death,Corona
  • Date of Burial 01.02.2021,
  • Date of Detention 12.03.2025


Kahraman Sezer, who worked as a Branch Manager at the Diyarbakir Police Department, passed away due to Covid-19 in Iskenderun Prison. On the night of July 15, he had warned about a thousand police officers under his command not to act impulsively and taken all necessary measures to prevent even the citizen’s nose from bleeding. However, after the July 15 Coup Theater, the measures taken by a senior police officer to protect a citizen in the trampled legal system were considered a crime. Kahraman Sezer, the Branch Manager, was first arrested and then sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of being a member of an armed terrorist organization. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, he was not released. He died in Hatay Prison, where he was detained, unable to get over the Covid-19 disease. His parents could not visit him for about 1.5 years due to financial difficulties. Sezer left behind a wife with tears of longing for him.
HDP Kocaeli Deputy Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu announced on his Twitter account that the former Police Chief Kahraman Sezer, who was detained for 4.5 years in Iskenderun T-Type Prison, died in the coronavirus outbreak.
Addressing the Ministry of Justice, Gergerlioglu’s statement was as follows: ”Former Police department director Kahraman Sezer, who was dismissed from Decree Law, has passed away due to Covid disease, which he contracted in Hatay prison, where he was detained. His wife could not visit him for 1.5 years for financial reasons. How many times will you set fire to hearths and houses? @adalet_bakanlik these are murder!”.

KHK’lı Emniyet Müdürü Kahraman Sezer cezaevinde koronadan vefat etti


KHK’lı Emniyet Müdürü Kahraman Sezer cezaevinde koronadan vefat etti

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