Emir Said Inam Lawyer,
  • Death Date 15/04/2019
  • Place of Death Zonguldak
  • Cause of Death Suicide,depression
  • Date of Burial 16.04.2019, Zonguldak


Emir Said Inam, a lawyer from Zonguldak’s Devrek district, killed himself at his home on April 16, Turkish police said.

According to the Cumhuriyet daily, his family members called for an ambulance, and he was taken to hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.

Inam’s father was a purge-victim teacher as he was dismissed from his job with a decree issued by the Turkish government after a coup attempt on July 15, 2016. In addition, the family was often subject to mistreatment and harassment over their alleged links to Turkey’s Gulen movement.

Kendini vuran genç avukat toprağa verildi – Devrek Haberler (pusulagazetesi.com.tr)

Genç avukat intihar etti: ‘Hain damgası yemekten yorgun düşmüştü’ (aktifhaber.com)


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