English Teacher Hatice Akçabay and her teacher husband Murat Akçabay first lost their jobs. Then he had to go into hiding for 23 months, fearing being arrested. At midnight on July 18, 2018, while trying to cross the Evros River to Greece, her boat capsized. Hatice Akçabay (36), and her three sons Ahmet Esat (6), Mesut (5), Bekir Aras (1) died in the waters of Meriç. Only Father Murat Akçabay remained alive from the family. While the body of the mother and two children was found, Ahmet Esat’s body was not found.
English Teacher Hatice Akçabay and her teacher husband Murat Akçabay first lost their jobs. Then he had to go into hiding for 23 months, fearing being arrested. At midnight on July 18, 2018, while trying to cross the Evros River to Greece, her boat capsized. Hatice Akçabay (36), and her three sons Ahmet Esat (6), Mesut (5), Bekir Aras (1) died in the waters of Meriç. Only Father Murat Akçabay remained alive from the family. While the body of the mother and two children was found, Ahmet Esat’s body was not found.
Murat Akçabay and Hatice Akçabay were two teachers whose institutions were closed with a decree-law (KHK). Like tens of thousands of teachers, their lives were turned upside down on 15 July. Due to their connection with the Hizmet Movement, they had to be kept in hiding for 23 months when a search record was issued. Their concern was that they were both arrested and their three children left alone.
They decided to leave Turkey illegally when unemployment, not being able to treat children when they got sick, and being deprived of all social rights became unbearable. At midnight on July 18, 2018, while trying to cross the Evros River to Greece, her boat capsized. Hatice Akçabay (36), and her three sons Ahmet Esat (6), Mesut (5), Bekir Aras (1) died in the waters of Meriç. Father Murat Akçabay remained alive from the family. While the body of the mother and two children was found, Ahmet Esat’s body was not found.
Murat Akçabay was born on July 8, 1982 in Kırıkhan District of Hatay. After graduating from Istanbul University, Department of Mathematics, he met Hatice Akçabay in 2010. Hatice Akçabay was the winner of the Karaman language score in the university entrance exam, and she was a graduate of Istanbul University English Language and Literature. Murat and Hatice Akçabay were married in October 2010. Children of a family with three children; Ahmet Esat was born in 2012, Mesut in 2014 and Bekir Aras in 2017. The teacher couple, whose institutions were closed after July 15, sold their cars and managed to afford their expenses for a while, but when the search warrant was issued for Murat Akçabay, the difficult months they would spend in hiding began. The life of the family that changed a few addresses, became even more difficult when Hatice Akçabay became pregnant. Hatice Akçabay had to hesitate in order not to be one of those women who detained at the delivery room door.
Speaking at BoldMedya after the painful losses, Murat Akçabay told his life story:
“Bekir Aras was born on April 19, 2017. We do not know if my wife was wanted by the police, she almost never went to check-ups during her pregnancy. We went to the hospital on his birthday. Then I knew that I was now wanted. Hatice does not want me to come, but there was no one with her and I entered. We tried to leave immediately after birth. The doctor wanted Hatice to stay for another day, but we accepted responsibility and signed on, and literally ran out.
As the birth approaches, I wonder if there will be a situation of being caught, there was stress. After that, breast-milk did not come, we switched to formula, but she was allergic, started throwing up. Bekir Aras had not developed well. We could not take him to the doctor neither, he really did not develop compared to its peers. He got sick, we needed to take him for a test, we couldn’t. I had a doctor friend who came home and checked. Aras was seriously ill for 10 days. On the way out, they said “the child may die” and he got so seriously ill. Then he survived, passed on to additional food and recovered. ”
“Of course, our lives were limited while we were hiding, our entries and exits were problematic. Children had the same trouble with us. They wanted to go out, have fun, go to school, but we couldn’t. One day we decided to buy a dog for Mesut. We named it Zeytin (Olive). Although the site management did not want it, they spent five months in a corner with Zeytin. Then there was a shortage in the house we lived in. We left at home in February 2018. We stayed in five different places until the time we left. Of course, we had to give Olive to the shelter. While we were on the Meriç journey, we motivated the children saying as if we went to “Survivor Show”, and if we won, I promised Mesut to buy a new Zeytin. Until the last day, Mesut was saying “Zeytin”, it was his love. ”
Explaining that he saw everything on TV while drinking tea at home on July 15, Akçabay said that afterwards, news came about that his friends who were detained were tortured, and that some of his friends he knew disappeared for up to 80 days after they were detained.
Learning that his name was mentioned in some statement reports, Murat Akçabay tells his conversation with his wife Hatice Akçabay about the possibility of both of them being arrested:
“We thought we could both be caught and we could both go to jail. We have reminded each other of this over and over again. But when we got into jail, we said that we wouldn’t harm anybody. If they come, put something in front of us and say sign, we will resist as much as we can. The biggest fear here is that the children are left behind, but in the other there is the possibility of hurting someone else and leaving their children without a father and mother. We also talked about what to do with the children if we were both arrested. ”
Murat Akçabay shared his evaluations of the great tragedy he experienced and the whole proccess, in the interview, which was quite difficult that he could not control his whimper and tears from time to time.
Have you ever thought about the bad odds?
We knew about the accidents that could happen to us. From the moment we leave the house, will we be caught on the road, not being able to cross the river, will we stay in Greece or go elsewhere? We have a goal when leaving our house, but in a way you are going to the unknown. You set sail to unfamiliar lands, you know that some managed to leave so you just hope that you can go, because this life has no sustainability. We spent about 23 months in hiding.
What was the final straw at the point of leaving the country?
There was a livelihood issue, we sold our vehicle, we lived with that money until a certain point. The most important thing was that the children had to go to school, we did not sent them for a year, but how long would it go like that? There was a need for a hospital, Hatice had four surgeries, God looked at us and someone helped, but it was not sustainable anymore.
How did you make the decision then?
We had friends who had left, we asked them. We searched for ways, which one is safe. The time when we decided which path to take was the most stressful moments in our lives. We have three children, we know that a tough journey awaits. We searched for roads for days and weeks. At one point, my wife said, “Nobody has sought as much as we do now, let’s decide on one.” Although it was more expensive than others, we decided on the safest way, but there is a destiny.
Have you thought of leaving alone?
I considered leaving alone. My wife also was wanted. If I go abroad and get caught and arrested, the children will remain alone, a more troubled situation. We thought through that. So what if we leave Ahmet Esad and Mesut and leave, then build a life there and take them. At last, we decided to go together and not leave each other.
The first thing we thought about after making the decision was Hatice’s father. He had diseases, it is not clear if he can see it again. Hatice went to Karaman, asked permission from her father and family and said goodbye.
Have you heard of those who lost their lives while crossing Meriç?
We remembered the Abdürrezzak family and the Maden family who were martyred while crossing Meriç. At that time, we were very sad, we cried a lot, they came to our mind. But there are many more people who had made it to the other side, you naturally think that you will make it too and build a new life, you start to talk about not getting caught. We decided to go on July 18, 2018.
What happened that day?
July 18 came, I checked the weather, it was raining in Edirne and Thrace Region. I called the smuggler, I said, “There is rain around here, I have three children, my wife does not know how to swim, God forbid us, we better cross next week, the waters may have risen.” He said that nothing was happening, we could be sure, that others passed the day before, that the roads could be blocked if we waited, and that all preparations were complete. Of course, at some point, you rely on the smuggler, in some places you cannot do anything despite the smuggler.
We set off, arrived in Edirne. I bought life jackets, even though the smuggler said there was no need. It was dark, two other people came to pick us up, they were probably Pakistani, they spoke very little Turkish. They said, there is no need for life jackets, we will give it to you, we have a long way. We come eye to eye with my wife. We said we should left one of the life jacket bags. We then realised that we had left the bag with three jackets instead of the bag with two jackets inside.
We hit the road, there is a walking path, you walk fast, now the smugglers are in control. Sometimes they scare, shout, rush. Meanwhile, we were trying to motivate children, we would win Survivor etc.
Bekir Aras took four spoons of sleeping pills in my arms, the smugglers said that if he cried, the soldiers would hear. We had bags on our backs, we hold the hands of the children, Mesut Aras and Ahmet were walking. Hatice had some renal lithiasis issues, Hatice and Mesut were left behind. The smuggler was shouting, but I said to Hatice that “you can only do this much, don’t force yourself”, we were running like it was a marathon.
Somewhere the call to prayer was recited, Hatice said “I guess this will be our last call to prayer”. I said don’t say that, God is most great, we’ll come again. He said, “How can I know?”.
Ahmet Esad was constantly asking why we were running from the soldier. The smuggler constantly said soldiers soldiers. I said the soldier also should not see us in Survivor. I motivated Mesut that we would buy new “Zeytin”.
Bekir Aras awoke somewhere. He started to cry. The smugglers shouted, you have to put the child to sleep, the soldier hears. I could not silence it. I gave it to her mother’s lap. There was a short wait in the meantime. I said I’d put on the life jacket. I put Ahmet Assad on his life jacket. I will dress Mesut and I saw that we got the bag with only two jackets. I was waiting to put Hatice in the second jacket, she puts the baby to sleep. I had the life jacket in my hand. Meanwhile, the smugglers rushed and rushed, I could not wear the vest. We did not know how far to the river. I said I would find the opportunity to dress Hatice somewhere.
Mesut could not walk somewhere. I also took him in my arms. Moments where we were out of breath now. Then we came up to the river. A car light appeared. I don’t know if they were really soldiers or they did it to scare us, they said the soldier came. They quickly threw the boat into the water and hurried us. I guess we’d been walking for an hour and a half.
We came to the middle of the river. I leaned towards Hatice and said, “By Allah’s leave, it is over now.” “I hope” she said. The boat crossed over. The place we reached across was more than two meters high, they pushed the boat towards the middle of the river again in case we could not land there. While they were pushing it into the middle of the river there was a tree lying in the water , not fully sunk.
The boat got onto the tree. It couldn’t pass or go back, got stuck there. The other side of the boat laid down, it started taking water very quickly. Before I could tell Hatice to hold the tree, the boat capsized. I caught Ahmet Esat and Mesut. I tried to push myself towards the shore but I couldn’t. We grabbed the end of the tree somewhere. But it was not a solid branch, it couldn’t hold us still, we went back and forth. Ahmet Esat hold the branch. I hold the branch with one hand and Mesut with the other.
We drifted another 40-50 meters. I was just going to find a way and take them out, I always thought about where Hatice and Bekir Aras were. I pushed Mesut forward with my hand, he held it. Then I took Ahmet Esat, I would push him forward. When I returned, I saw that Mesut fell. That thought for an instant , “if I jump”. I thought if Ahmet Esat fell, I wouldn’t be able to find him again. I took Ahmet and jumped after him. I caught Mesut later.
The moonlight was pitch black. I wondered if Mesut swallowed water or died. He was glass-eyed, about to die. I lifted him up so that he wouldn’t sink, he would breathe. When I lifted, I sank. Meanwhile, I heard Ahmet’s voice, he always shouted ‘father’. I can’t get out anymore, I left the kids in front of me, I’ll go out and hold them again There was no way, I wasn’t able to get out of the water, you suddenly realize that you are tired. God, is this a dream, beg you give me strength, I say if I die, they all die.
Then I was overwhelmed, I don’t know how many seconds, I lie on the water like a mattress, the river takes me down. I shouted Ahmet Esat, Mesut, they have no voices. I’m looking left and right, there is no sound. I grabbed a branch. The children are gone, Hatice is gone.
Then I heard a noise. I shouted “is it you Hatice”. She said yes. I said don’t let go. Give voice, where are you. Hatice’s voice was also gone.
Where shall I go? Where shall I swim to? It’s a completely dark place, I feel so dizzy, can’t see nomore. I do not know what to do. Gone. I don’t know what it is to live the apocalypse, but I guess that was it.
There was no one to help. The smugglers immediately cut and run, nobody was following me. God made me face the apocalypse, they were all gone. I clung to that branch. Total silence.
I made some national and foreign phone calls. I didn’t know if it would help, but the boat went down, the children were gone, I said let the officers know. Half an hour later the smugglers’ voices came. They redirected, took me out, helped me out. Those feelings cannot be described but only experienced.
If suicide is not forbidden, you would choose to die a hundred times. Then the Greek police came. They said they would look for the kids, but you know he was just in my hands, Mesut. I knew more or less. They consoled that he would be saved, but he passed away in my hands. Nothing had remained.
Two days later, Hatice and Bekir Aras were found on the 20th. Mesut was found on 27th. Ahmet Assad has not been found yet.
Friends also came. We scouted around the police stations, the fishermen’s cafes there, and the villages along the border every day, we asked. We were looking for Ahmet Esat. We wandered there for two months, there was no news about Ahmet Esat, and still not.
Deputy Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, who was closely involved in the case
He made a statement on his Twitter account. https://twitter.com/gergerliogluof/status/1020334992021389312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1020334992021389312%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tr724.com%2Fmericte-haber-bekleniyor-kaybolan-anne-ve-3-cocugu-icin-aramalar-devam-ediyor%2F During the search, Murat Akçabay’s brother Yunus Akçabay was detained.
There was no explanation from the Turkish media and politicians regarding the disaster in question. Even those who tweeted ‘they deserved’ on Twitter garnered reactions.
The Greek media closely followed the developments regarding the missing Turks in Meriç throughout the day. Leading media organizations such as ERT 1, private channels Skai, Ant1, Star and Alfa gave wide coverage to this painful disaster.
Only father Murat Akçabay remained from the family of five. While trying to hold on to life, Murat Akçabay patiently protects the values he believes in. He tries to support all victims as much as he can.
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