Halil Gok Police officer, General Directorate of Security Turkey
  • Death Date 21/07/2016
  • Place of Death Duzce
  • Cause of Death Suicide (Allegedly)
  • Date of Burial ,


Police officer Halil Gok was found dead in the warehouse of Akcakoca Regional Traffic Control Station, Duzce. It was alleged that Gok committed suicide when he knew that he would be suspended that day.

According to the allegations in the newspapers of that day, upon learning that he would be suspended, he fired his gun on his head and ended his life. On July 21, 2016, the incident occurred at around 11:00 am at the Regional Traffic Control Station in Akcakoca Sapak. Allegedly, police officer Gok learned that he would be suspended as well as part of the unlawful and discriminatory investigations against thousands of people related to the Hizmet Movement after the coup attempt. Thereupon, he went to the tool warehouse in the basement of the building and committed suicide with his gun. After hearing the gunshot, paramedic officers came to the scene and informed Gok’s colleagues about the death. Unfortunately, an effective investigation was not carried out regarding the incident in the first week when the persecution was at its peak, which started on July 15.


Kaynaklar: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4l69pu


Açığa Alınacağını Öğrenen Polis İntihar Etti – Dailymotion Video

Açığa Alınacağını Öğrenen Polis İntihar Etti (avazturk.com)

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